sábado, 30 de junio de 2012

Epistemologies and Revolutions Trading in the Stock Market

Talking about the paroxysms of postmodern epistemology, facing a post-post-modern condition, it has sense to ask: what will be the role of frontiers in an hypermarket economy? In particular I am interested in the frontiers of knowledge and culture. How does the frontiers of culture distributes along society and in particular in its aesthetic non-technical dimension? The notion of periphery was a useful representation but is time to be more precise. An important case is to identify frontiers with non-human agents: e.g. the language (as in analytic philosophy) or the reception of collective voluptuosities through the aesthetic experience. We know threre is an interplay (often conflictive) between artists and critics. This is a human-human interplay. We know that artists have a non-human interplay with the voluptuosity of the collective, and with their highly free association with signifiers. From there comes their contribution to innovation. At this point is useful to distinguish two forms of innovation: the contribution to innovation mediated by aggregation (as in "more is different"). This is a form of innovation that could be associated with key words like epigenesis and programmed evolution, but also with simple emergent behavior detached of any organic pre-program. But then there is a form of innovation which is more of a disruption similar to genetic or socio-historic revolutions. The latter are noisy revolutions just as the former are rather silent. Of course, there is a lot of mimesis in this, and you can often find agents that coopt a silent innovation and announce it as their own noisy revolution when they are just the medium. Perhaps, in justice, they should be seen as false disruptors, thieves. Ironically this is ofen the people that says to safeguard the rights of the creators.